My normal style is quite modern, with images shot in landscape format and with a preference for being tightly cropped. I can change to a more classic style (i.e. shot further back with a full head and slightly more body in view) if you would rather but it’s your responsibility to be clear about this at the beginning of the photoshoot.
I’ll shoot a number of images and together we’ll shortlist your favorites. You’ll finish with a gallery of your approved images to choose from which I’ll also send to you (low resolution and watermarked) via Dropbox or email. These are for viewing and selection purposes only and remain the property of Tony Angel Images. Please note that I won't release what I deem to be substandard images, and therefore not all images taken may be available for your final viewing.
If during your photoshoot there’s anything that you aren’t happy with, do make sure to tell me so that we can address it. Please don’t be shy about it because I want the session to leave you totally satisfied with, and excited about your images. Once we part company there’s nothing we can do, and no resits will be offered.
Prior to the shoot commencing you’ll be asked to sign an industry standard model release form, and this is to protect both of us (in fact, unless otherwise requested the terms of the model release are deemed to apply). It states that all images taken are licenced to Tony Angel Images, who may use them for promotion and marketing purposes. It confirms that Tony Angel Images retains the copyright of them as well.
You’re then given the right to use the images for your own personal and/or promotional purposes. The right is granted by way of a license that’s specific to you and may not be assigned to third parties. However, it allows you to use the images for pretty much anything you want save for selling them (as you don’t own the copyright).
If appropriate (for example, if you’re a professional actor, model or musician), I ask you to use all reasonable efforts to ensure that newspapers, magazines, and editorials that reproduce the images provide a credit for Tony Angel Images. This should be in close proximity to the images themselves, and the credit should include a link to the homepage of this website.
You can view the model release form here.
If you’re visiting my studio please turn up punctually for your appointment. Leave plenty of time to find me and allow for travel delays as this may otherwise reduce the time available for your session (although I’m always as flexible as I can be, and keeping me advised is key).
It’s essential that you think carefully about clothing and that your garments are clean and crease free, as I don’t spend excessive time retouching them. Please read the information on the website regarding clothing, hair and make-up, as you’ll find it useful.
If possible we’ll review the images on screen at the end of your photoshoot and you can select the images you’d like retouched there and then. Otherwise, I’ll provide you with a set of watermarked proofs for selection purposes and ask that you make your choices within a week of receiving them.
My style of retouching is along the lines of ‘less is more’. I won’t make major changes which lose the essence of “you” but will routinely adjust images for brightness, colour and contrast. I’ll also look to address the small but important details such as blemishes, stray hairs, loose threads and anything else that’s best left unseen!
I’ll deliver your retouched images via Dropbox or email, and they’ll be presented in three different formats each:
Print ready at 300ppi, in 5x4 landscape format and with a 3000 pixel longest edge. This will be a loose crop with space around the image to give you flexibility of use for any purpose.
The same resolution and format as above but a generally tighter edit and usually off-centered. This is considered to be more artistically pleasing, focuses attention on the face and subconsciously makes the viewer feel more closely connected to you.
For use on LinkedIn and other social media, in a square format and sized to 500x500 pixels. This version is a lower resolution so that it can be used as-is and just “dropped” into your social media profiles.
I’ll ask that you download and save them in a safe place on your computer, as there’s a £25 charge to resend them. However, I’ll keep them for a minimum of 12 months from the date of the photoshoot.
In order to confirm your appointment, the session fee is to be paid in full at the time of booking. All image costs are to be paid at the time of order. For the avoidance of doubt, no images will be released until full payment has been received.
If for any reason you need to cancel your photoshoot I ask for a minimum of 72 hours notice in writing to avoid forfeiting your session fee. Should you need to reschedule your photoshoot, please provide a minimum of 48 hours notice; I’ll always agree to a reschedule on one occasion, although subsequent changes are entirely discretionary as there can be cost implications.
Tony Angel Images reserves the right to rearrange, cancel or postpone any scheduled photoshoot. In such circumstances, the session fee is of course fully repayable.
Session and image prices shown for personal/individual clients are inclusive of VAT. For location shoots (whether headshots or portraits) travel costs are charged in addition at a rate of £0.45 per mile.
Whilst I’ll take all reasonable care in the performance of our agreement and achieving a result that we’re both happy with, I am, to the extent permissible by law, not liable for any loss or damage suffered by you or a third party arising from my work or any reproduction of the images by you.
Notwithstanding the above, Tony Angel Images carries full liability and professional indemnity insurance.
These terms & conditions are for personal/individual headshot clients. Corporate clients will be provided with our standard terms of business prior to engagement.